Burger Farm and Garden Center and it's family and employees would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for another wonderful year and for supporting a local family owned business. We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and has the opportunity to spend...
Fresh cut Christmas trees, pine roping, wreaths, poinsettias and other fresh greenery have arrived to fulfill your holiday decorating needs. Christmas tree varieties this year are Fraser fir, Canaan fir, Concolor fir and Fraser/Balsam fir. Not all varieties are...
Christmas is just around the corner
Christmas trees will start arriving the week before Thanksgiving and this year we will have a selection of the most popular Fraser Fir, but also some Canaan and Concolor Fir trees. Canaan fir trees combine many of the characteristics of balsam fir and Fraser fir. They...
Pollinator Week June 17th – 24th
This week is designated as pollinator week where we bring awareness to and celebrate the efforts of these very important pollinators. You may be surprised however to find out who the top four pollinators are by significance. "Research has shown that the vast majority...
Boxwood Tree Moth – what you need to know
Boxwood tree moths have slowly been making their way toward Southwest Ohio with currently only a few reported cases. This pretty little moth however can lay her eggs on your boxwoods and much like other moths or butterflies, they go through a complete metamorphosis...
Spotted Lantern Fly
Spotted Lanternfly Nymphs Emerge in Southern Ohio Authors Ashley Kulhanek Amy Stone Published on April 24, 2024 The Ohio Department of Agriculture has confirmed first emergence / egg hatch of...
The Seed Starting Journey
Spring is only 21 days away which means it is time to begin preparing vegetable gardens! Soil testing and seed starting are two great ways to fill the void as mother nature teases the upcoming time of year. An important first step in starting your garden is testing...
Moss in my yard!
Moss in my yard; are you kidding me? Warmer temperatures and sunshine seemed to have arrived, but unfortunately these desirable changes also start the annual battle with weeds in your lawn or garden. My personal battle this year started like this - I sowed some grass...
Get your green on! Visit our greenhouse this winter and check out our new house plant arrivals. We’re open 9am to 5pm during the week and 10am to 5pm on the weekends
Fall Leaves – Mulching is better for your yard
Don't Rake Those Leaves — Mulch Them Into Your Lawn Large shade trees in your yard are great in the summer, but come fall, those big trees drop leaves and that means a lot of extra fall clean up. There's good news however; a study done at Michigan State University...
Extreme master Pumpkin Carver Coming To Burger Farm, Saturday, October 29!
Guess who’s coming to Burger Farm & Garden Center Oct 29 for their Annual Fall Festivities !!! You guessed It !!! "The Sculptinizer", extreme master pumpkin carver, Oba Rhodes will be performing a live sculpting. Come out bring the family and have a good time!!!...
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park coming to Burger Farm
The fields of Burger Farm and Garden Center still have many spooky tales to tell in this follow-up to 2020’s “Children of the Corn Maze”. Teenagers keep disappearing after dark, leaving hardly any evidence in their wake. Could it be the Greenville Ghost, a monstrous...
Time for Fall Decorating!
The chill is in the air so it must be time for fall decorating. Pumpkins, gourds, mums, cornstalks, fall squash, indian corn, mini straw bales and so much more to choose from. Open daily 9am to 6pm
Lawn Care Simplified
SPRING LAWN CARE SIMPLIFIED – OUR GUIDE TO ACHIEVING A SPECTACULAR LAWN We hear it all the time, “I just want a pretty lawn, but I’ve got some weeds and some bare spots. What do I do first?” The truth is that there is not one correct answer because so much...
Cold Crop Plants are Here!
All your favorite "cold tolerate" vegetable plants are here. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Spouts, Cabbage and more are now available. We also have some early herb plants and a great early selection of berry plants - blue berry, raspberry, black berry and...
Get your garden started now!
While the days are cold and dreary and maybe even a little snow on the ground; now is actually the time to start thinking about starting your own garden vegetable plants indoors from seed. Many vegetables have suggested indoor seed starting dates in the date range...
Pansies are here!
Who doesn't love these early, cold hardy, colorful, Spring beauties! They are now in stock in cell packs, 6" pots, Mixed color bowls and hanging baskets. Coming soon will be the ever popular Lenten Rose and other early bloomers.
Burger Farm and Garden is a Proven Winners Certified Garden Center
Burger Farm and Garden is proud to announce that we have been named a 2022 Proven Winners, Certified Garden Center. This high level distinction signifies that our employees have completed a comprehensive training course to develop the expertise in assisting our...
Tree sales have been brisk – good supply of wreaths, greens and pine roping
A great big Thank You to all our loyal customers for supporting our family business again this year! We were able to find and bring in over 2100 fresh cut Christmas trees this year and you've purchased all of them. Sales have been very brisk this year, but will...
Shaking things up: Bourbon and Blooms (and the Bluebird of Happiness)
Shaking things up: Bourbon and Blooms (and the Bluebird of Happiness) with New Riff Distilling Join New Riff Distilling's Katie Tobin as she shakes up summer cocktails using fresh herbs. Sample some of her favorite recipes and learn to use summer herbs in...
Get your garden ready!
Top 4 Tips to Get Your Garden Ready Gardening and planting in the springtime are some of the most liberating experiences of the whole year. We get to access our inner child, play in the dirt, and make something beautiful and functional. Making sure that you are...
Burger Farm and Garden Center voted Best Garden Center in Cincinnati!
Cincy Magazine, in their inaugural Family Choice Awards 2020, has recognized Burger Farm and Garden Center as the "Best Garden Center/Nursery" in the Cincinnati area. Thousands of people voted in this online competition for their favorites in 194...
Fall Garden Planting
For the last few weeks, you've been (hopefully) enjoying some wonderful harvests from your summer vegetable, flower and herb gardens. You've been watching your tomatoes grow to the perfect size and the perfect shade of red or yellow, you're about to have more...
Thank you for thinking of us
Nobody knew what to expect at the start of March this year. Let's face it, we still don't know what's really around the corner. In the last 16 weeks or so, we have seen everyone, in every industry, make some sort of adjustment to help get through the challenges we...
Here Comes the Sun: Summer Solstice & the garden pest of the week
It may have felt a little more like summer this week, and hopefully your lawn & garden are hitting their summer stride as well- because ready or not, it's officially here! The June or summer solstice, marking the first day of the season is Saturday, June 20,...
Squash (the) Vine Borer
Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cabbage worms, and squash vine borers. No, that's not how the old nursery rhyme goes, but it's how some of our gardens are. It's no wonder that while we are excited to reap the benefits of...
Cabbage Worms & Loopers- what to watch for
Last week we locked horns with some deer issues. It's another week, and so another critter to wrestle. Are you noticing signs of pests worming their way in to your vegetable plants? If you're seeing some holes in the leaves of your Cole crops (cruciferous vegetables,...
Burger Farm & Garden Center named to nationwide Top 40 Plant Nursery list
You like us! You really like us! Check out this link from Wikilawns, naming Burger Farm & Garden Center as one of the Top 40 Plant Nurseries in the whole nation! Come see why they gave us this ranking! We're open 10-5 today, and we're practicing social distancing...
Oh, deer….
Picture it, 2020, Cincinnati, (not Sicily 😉 ) you're in your garden...it survived the post Mother's Day frost, it's surviving COVID-19, and therefore, it's *probably*surviving you obsessively checking each sprout, bud, new leaf or growth every day, multiple times a...
Earth Day Turns 50
Earth Day turns 50 this year- Wednesday, April 22. Like everyone else celebrating a birthday in these spring and summer months in 2020, festivities might be a little subdued. Don't fret- we can still go outside and give the Earth a high five and a birthday shout....
The Native (Plants) are Gettin’ Restless!
April 2020 will go down as one for the books- but sadly, not because it's Ohio's Inaugural Native Plant Month. In July 2019, Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law that moving forward, April will be recognized as Native Plant Month, which aims, "to increase public awareness...
Grow Your Own- cold hardy seeds to plant now, or start inside
So far, 2020 has been a year like most of us haven't experienced in our lifetimes. The rapid spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus, and concerns over how long it may linger, and how far the ripple effects will reach with restaurants, schools, and other businesses being under...
Houseplants help you breathe better- NASA said so!
Would you believe the air in your home may be up to 30 times more toxic than the air outdoors? Did you read that right? Oftentimes inside there’s nowhere for the pollutants to go..they’re trapped in the same space with you, and you’re continually cycling them in and...
Hellebores are here, right on time
The first offering of the season- Hellebores, or Lenten Roses, have arrived. Run, don't walk, to the Garden Center to get yours before they're gone. We've got five varieties for you to choose from: Wedding Party, Merlin, Ivory Prince, Shooting Star and Pink Frost....
Who need seeds? We’ve got a bumper crop! Whether you are a beginner or an old garden master, we have what you need and the knowledge to help get your garden started. LET'S GROW SOMETHING FUN TOGETHER!
National Garden Bureau’s 2020 Flowering Shrub of the Year – Hydrangea
Hydrangeas are one of the most sought-after shrubs in North America! Known for their nostalgia as well as their modern design appeal, hydrangeas are a perfect fit in the landscape, a container garden or used as cut flowers. The word origin of hydrangea comes from the...
National Garden Bureau’s 2020 Bulb Crop of the Year – Iris
Add beautiful flowers to your garden! Irises are among the easiest of perennials to grow from bulbs, roots or rhizomes. The genus includes some 250-300 species featuring showy flowers. In fact, the iris takes its name from the Greek word for a rainbow, which is also...
National Garden Bureau’s 2020 Annual of the Year
And the winner is: Lantana Lantana has a rich history of being utilized in the garden for long-lasting, colorful blooms, superior heat tolerance and the ability to attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Featuring clusters of bright colors, solid as well as...
Finding the Perfect Mother’s Day Gift
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and now is the perfect time to show your mom just how special she is to you. Your mom carried you, loved you, and has helped you through every step of your life. There may never be a way to repay the kindness she has given you,...