Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cabbage worms, and squash vine borers.
No, that’s not how the old nursery rhyme goes, but it’s how some of our gardens are.
It’s no wonder that while we are excited to reap the benefits of growing food at home, and we are proudly watching some of our seeds grow from sprouts to actual plants we recognize from the market or grocery, OTHERS are just as excited.
This week’s pest is the ever lovely SQUASH VINE BORER.
As its name would suggest, this little twerp will lay eggs in the soil, and bore into the vines of some of your squashes, zucchinis and other vining vegetables.
But, don’t fret- we’ve got some great tips from a reliable source!
The article from the Old Farmer’s Almanac suggests they tend to stay away from cucumbers, but we’ve had some different experiences.
The Almanac article is linked below- including signs to watch for, how to identify different stages of the life of the SVB and most importantly, how to avoid or treat it:
Do you have particularly pesky pest you want some help eradicating?
Email and we’ll look into it!