At Burger Farm, we love color! Except when it’s “winter blue”, “snow white” or “thermometer red”; especially when its below the freezing mark. But fear not gardening friends, Spring is less than 60 days away and it’s time to start thinking about the beautiful colors that come with it. Let’s start with the color green. Now is a great time to start your vegetables and herbs from seed! Typically after about 7 – 14 days in the soil; garden seeds will start to grow and peek their little green sprouts up towards the sunlight. If you’re a novice or would like to start an indoor project with the kids, we suggest you start with some easy growing Lettuce, Spinach or Basil seeds. You can start and keep these little guys in the window sill until you’re ready to move them outside. These are quick growers and you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Our selection of garden seeds, potting soils and seed starter kits are on display and ready for you to browse them. Don’t have a “green thumb”?, don’t worry, our friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you every step of the way. In our next post, we’ll talk about the color yellow!