by Ken Burger | Jul 30, 2020 | Annuals, Gardening Tips, News, Pumpkins
For the last few weeks, you’ve been (hopefully) enjoying some wonderful harvests from your summer vegetable, flower and herb gardens. You’ve been watching your tomatoes grow to the perfect size and the perfect shade of red or yellow, you’re about to...
by Ken Burger | Jul 25, 2020 | News
Nobody knew what to expect at the start of March this year. Let’s face it, we still don’t know what’s really around the corner. In the last 16 weeks or so, we have seen everyone, in every industry, make some sort of adjustment to help get through the...
by Ken Burger | Jul 19, 2020 | Crape Myrtles, Flowering Shrubs, Gardening Tips, Perennials
In most cases, mid July isn’t considered late summer- technically it’s still the first month, but a gardener’s calendar and mind can look at time a little differently. Even though there’s a full two months until the first official day of...
by Ken Burger | Jul 7, 2020 | Gardening Tips
Some of you may be lucky enough to be harvesting some crops from your home gardens by now. Namely, summer squash like straightneck yellow squash & zucchini. Zucchini & yellow squash have a shorter growing season than a lot of other crops, so even with the...
by Ken Burger | Jul 3, 2020 | Gardening Tips
To a gardener, juniper trees & apple trees are like oil & water- they don’t mix. Well, they DO mix, but not in a good way. Cedar apple rust (Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae) is a fungal disease that requires juniper plants to complete its...
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