by Ken Burger | Jun 17, 2024 | Annuals, Flowering Shrubs, News
This week is designated as pollinator week where we bring awareness to and celebrate the efforts of these very important pollinators. You may be surprised however to find out who the top four pollinators are by significance. “Research has shown that the vast...
by Admin | May 24, 2023 | Ask Mr Burger
As your new plants are off to the races growing, blooming, and producing, some of you may find something about them is off or even unwell. That’s because plants can also get sick and catch diseases that can be benign, treatable, or deadly. Here are some diseases to...
by Ken Burger | Jun 19, 2020 | Flowering Shrubs, Garden supplies, Gardening Tips, News, Roses
It may have felt a little more like summer this week, and hopefully your lawn & garden are hitting their summer stride as well- because ready or not, it’s officially here! The June or summer solstice, marking the first day of the season is Saturday, June...
by Ken Burger | Jun 13, 2020 | Garden supplies, Gardening Tips, Perennials
June is a big month for gardeners. Spring gives way to summer, it’s National Pollinator Month and June is also Perennial Gardening Month. This month is a really great time get your perennials in the ground, and be sure to include some native pollinator plants to...
by Ken Burger | May 12, 2020 | Annuals, Crape Myrtles, Flowering Shrubs, Gardening Tips, Perennials
It’s *almost* hard to believe we’re still contending with frost warnings around and AFTER Mother’s Day, but then we remember: we’re in Cincinnati, it’s 2020, we’re in the middle of a global pandemic, and just about anything seems...
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