This week is designated as pollinator week where we bring awareness to and celebrate the efforts of these very important pollinators. You may be surprised however to find out who the top four pollinators are by significance.
“Research has shown that the vast majority of insect pollinators belong to four insect orders. They are listed in descending order from the most to the least number of pollinators: (1) Hymenoptera (bees and wasps), (2) Diptera (flies), (3) Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), and (4) Coleoptera (beetles).
People are seldom surprised that bees and wasps are the top pollinators. They’re more glamorous and have enjoyed wonderful P.R. campaigns. However, learning that flies are more important than butterflies and moths as plant pollinators often surprises people. It certainly surprised me. We plant gardens dedicated to butterflies!”*
So next time you’ve got a pesky fly flying around your head or landing on your picnic food; tell him to get back out to the garden where he belongs versus chasing him around with a swatter. Mother nature does have a sense of humor!
* Joe Boggs – Remember the forgotten during pollinator week: June 17 – 24, 2024