Now that spring has started, you’ll want to start the next phase of lawn care so it can grow lush. But before that, you’ll want to take care of any existing or oncoming weeds that might get in your way, like dandelions, crabgrass, hairy bittercress, deadnettle, clover, and creeping charlie “ground ivy.” Here are some lawn tips to control those spring weeds:
Mow the Right Way
Bring your mower height to 3-4 inches to let your grass grow thick and tall. More grass blocks any last openings, and tall grass shades the soil from sun and oxygen, preventing weed growth.
Pull and Mulch
You can’t go wrong with the old-fashioned way of getting dirty and taking care of the job with your own hands. When you pull out weeds, get the roots, too; otherwise, it’s a never-ending cycle. Take this time to also turn the soil with a trowel or hoe to uproot any weed seedlings. It doesn’t hurt to disturb the soil a few more times to really make sure you catch any other weed stragglers before adding mulch.
Water Your Lawn
Keep your lawn lush and healthy with strong roots by watering plenty, so the grass can grow and keep the soil to itself instead of sharing with weeds. And if you have weeds already, an alternative organic approach is pouring hot water on them until they’re wilted and dead, then pull them out and be sure to get the roots, too.
It doesn’t hurt to try any or all of these tricks on your lawn, so long as it keeps the weeds out and your home gorgeous!
At Burger Farm and Garden Center, we want to equip everyone with the tools and knowledge to make their plants, lawn, and garden beautiful and healthy. Learn more and visit us today at