Ask Mr. Burger
Our resident expert answers all of your garden questions.
Boxwood Tree Moth – what you need to know
Boxwood tree moths have slowly been making their way toward Southwest Ohio with currently only a few reported cases. This pretty little moth however...
When Should I Divide my Perennials?
Dividing perennials encourages new growth, controls the size of the plant, increases the number of plants, and refreshes the plant. Consider...
When can I Bring Plants Back Inside?
If you moved your houseplants outside to enjoy the beautiful spring and summer weather, you might wonder when it’s time to bring them back in. It’s...
What Garden Projects are Great for Kids?
We all want our children to feel connected with nature, develop skills, and discover personal interests and talents. Whether you’re trying to...
What Could I Plant Midsummer for Fall?
We’re hitting midsummer, which means that fall and winter aren’t too far away! You might think there’s not much you can do in the garden right now,...
How do I Protect my Garden During a Heat Wave?
As we delve deeper into a beautiful, hot summer, heat waves are bound to come, and you need to know how best to protect your lovely garden! Here are...
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